Good news. We have just purchased a closed plant and now have plenty of used machines for sale at the moment. Including used MDDP, MQRF, LKKA, MKLA, MTSC, MTSD, MTRB, MHXT, MVSR, MVSL, MUZH, MPAP, MDDL. We still need some time to dismantle these machines from the production line, but you can start to order machines now. DO NOT HESITATE. Good machines never wait. Here are some photos about these new-coming machines.
More photos about these machines will be release soon. Please keep an eye on our website, if you want to purchase secondhand flour machines. If you have any enquiries, feel free to contact us. The Contact information is as follows.
Contact For Refurbished Reconditioned Renewed Buhler MDDK MDDL Roller Mills/Rollstands/
E-mail Address:
WhatsApp/ Cell Phone: +86 18537121208
Website Address: